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Our Story


Mathews Associates, Inc. was founded in the spring of 1980 as a limited partnership by Herman Mathews and other former government contractors. In 1993, Dan Perreault purchased the company ownership and forged a new vision of expansion into the emerging power technology market. In 1997, Judy Perreault joined the company creating a woman owned business entity. Phil, Dan and Judy’s son, joined shortly thereafter making it a family operated entity. MAI is a “can do” company and “we produce system applications where others have failed.

In 2003 Mathews joined forces with MIL Power, Ltd of Buckingham, UK forming a partnership for expansion into the global power technology market serving International sales to Military forces. The realm of expansion is unimaginable and MAI and MLP are dedicated to serving the Global Market with quality manufactured Military Batteries as well as Custom Design Products to meet the expanding needs of specialized equipment. Both companies partner in exhibiting in worldwide markets.

Battery design and assembling operations are now not only centered around the standard NSN military designated batteries but have expanded to Custom Design batteries for Space, Military, Unmanned Vehicles, oceanography and various types of specialty applications utilizing several chemistries. MAI “offers designs and develops prototypes” with its global partner, MIL Power, to the Military World Wide. “

Mathews Associates Inc. first built a reputation for making high-reliability power systems for the military. When the U.S Army called in May 2003 seeking even more specialized batteries, the company proved it was up to the production challenging production requirement. In four weeks, the manufactureing operation delivered 32,000 battery systems. Mathews doubled its work force to meet the Army's demand. For its efforts Mathews was recognized for its contribution during Operations "Enduring and Iraqi Freedom".

Military-grade batteries are more complex than the usual ones in your television remote control. "Every piece has electronics" Phil Perreault, President, says. The circuitry Mathews builds into its batteries helps to regulate battery power flowing from the power system as well as provide safety features. These exemplary efforts have propelled the facility from once being 20,000 sq. ft. to a new manufacturing facility with 70,000 sq.ft. ,as well as 10,000 sq. ft. of office space. In order to be a self contained manufacturing facility, it houses a complete machine shop providing all the necessary services such as tooling and prototyping capabilities.

Mathews Associates newest venture is in the Environmental and Electrical testing arena. We have capabilities on site of designing a unit and taking through the complete testing cycle.

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